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We are celebrating Nelson Mandela Day by announcing a special website package for registered Non-profit organisations. We spent our 67 minutes investigating ways in which we can use our love for the internet to help NPOs use the medium to be more effective at achieving their goals.

The end result is our NPO package which enables qualifying organisations to reach a greater audience, take online donations, engage members, donors and the general public and more. NPOs can expect the same service that our corporate clients get, at a significantly reduced rate with some special features aimed specifically at their needs.


The NPO package will include hosting, domain registration, unlimited bandwidth & up to 50 email addresses. It also includes technical support and 30 minutes update time every month.  It’s SEO and social medial friendly to help you build up followers and raise awareness. Our NPO package also enables organisations to take online donations and blog about latest happenings.

For more information click here, or if you are interested in this package or know someone who might be click here.

If you think this may be useful, please consider taking a minute to share this post so that ultimately, we can help more NPOs make a bigger impact on their beneficiaries.

Happy Mandela Day!


The Colourside team